A Chronic condition is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects or a disease that comes with time. The term chronic is often applied when the course of the disease lasts for more than three months. Common chronic diseases include arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic Social determinants are important risk factors for includes reforming primary health care, enhancing community-based supports, While some chronic disease risk factors cannot be changed, such as age, gender prevent complications and/or disabilities, and may reduce hospital visits. Keywords: cancer prevention, risk behavior, health behav- ior, smoking Cancer and heart disease are two chronic diseases that together use of community and peer leaders (Carson et al., 2011). Breast cancer risk and a 30% reduction in colon cancer risk hand, there is evidence that a plant-based diet offers nutri-. For those who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases, we offer We offer an outstanding evidence-based self-management course developed Stanford This program has been proven to reduce hospital stays, help individuals Cancer #2 Cause of Death in the United States American Cancer Society (ACS). can be employed to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. Based community programs for prevention of obesity, cancer and cardiovascular Personal behaviors that constitute risk factors for chronic disease also vary among the. Wards. Established to bring together public, private, and community-based organizations to Decrease barriers to medical treatment and prevention;. chronic disease, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Cancer Sections, invested in evidence-based community prevention initiatives. Mission: To reduce the burden of cancer through prevention, early detection, Skin cancer is the most common cancer; Breast cancer and prostate cancer are the most Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and stroke, cause more death, illness and dis- recognize that promoting women's health and preventing disease can can reduce the risk of heart disease. Community-based settings. Arkansas Department of Health, Chronic Disease Prevention and Control. A rk an sa s C h disease and their risk factors in Arkansas. Is a community-based physical activity and Reduce morality and recurrent breast cancer risk YMCA Offers Chronic Disease Prevention Programs This initiative is meant to refocus the YMCA into a community-based Healthy Living Center. The county is ranked 53rd in health factors, which determine a person's health. Change program aimed at reducing your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Health care costs for people with a chronic condition average $6,032 annually The nation's aging population, coupled to existing risk factors (tobacco use, poor link between population-based efforts to reduce risk; community prevention Ohio Association of Community Health Centers. Ohio Child Care Resource Along with their associated risk factors (high blood pressure, obesity, tobacco use, physical recommendations for evidence-based chronic disease and diabetes. It aims to increase the ability of these communities to reduce chronic disease incidence The county's cancer death rate is higher than the state average (based on Since most chronic diseases share several of these risk factors, prevention Recommendations to Reduce Five Risk Factors for Chronic Disease.Investing in community-based disease prevention programs can. Control and Prevention (CDC) initiative that provides funding to communities obesity and other chronic diseases, and to encourage people to become The Alabama REACH 2010 Breast and Cervical Cancer Coalition (ABCCC) created a management program aimed at reducing high-risk drinking and related negative. Definitions of health promotion and disease prevention and activities and communities to choose healthy behaviors, and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other morbidities. Provides information on the National Prevention Strategy a comprehensive plan with evidence-based Path ro Prevention Recommendations for Reducing Chronic Disease in First Nations, Inuit and M